9th Class Computer Science Notes


If you’re trying to find the 9th Class Computer Science notes with solved exercises, then you have come to the right location. It’s solutions of all the 8th chapters.

  It is the current syllabus; it means it works for all the Punjab boards and Federal board because both had the same books, not books have changed – 2018-19.
It does not matter either you’re a brilliant student or not; you may need notes. These notes will help you in getting good marks in exams. It’s to the point responses, so you don’t need to read the whole book to receive your job done.

I would say do not memorize notes for the interest of getting good marks, but also do together with the purpose to boost your life. Computer Science is thought of as the best field all around the world because all the future depends on such areas.
According To NACE

68.7 of computer science majors had at least one job offer before walking the stage of                                                                   graduation.

That’s why I’ve said many times that becoming a Doctor and an engineer is not the only way to be high on earth. Computer Science graduates will earn more cash in the future due to virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and machine learning technology.

9th Class Computer Science Notes ;

The 9th class Computer Science Notes consists of eight chapters. Its 9th class computer science notes for the Urdu medium students. It’s consists of MCQs of all the book also. Its 9th class computer science notes cover the concept and preparation of the following chapters
  1.    Introduction To Computer
  2.   Computer Components
  3.    Input and Output Devices
  4.   Storage Devices
  5.     Numbers System
  6.    Boolean Algebra
  7.    Computer Software
  8.   Intro To Windows                                             

 9th Class Computer Science Notes  That We’ve Supplied here above are Assumed to be 100% Right and Happen to Be rechecked to Ensure there should be no Errors in them but Should you find any Error in the notes then be free to contact us so that We’ll make them Right. 

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