How To Get Good Marks In Board Exams ?


Those who are searching for the answer to the question “How To Get Good Marks In Board Exams ?” they are about to get it. 

We welcome you here on blog AL-QALAM COACHING CENTER.Don’t forget to bookmark this page to get good marks in board exams.

Getting good marks in the exam is a dream of students. For that, more concise way of solving the paper is required. It’s not only to learn the stuff but also to write it under specific pattern. 

How To Get Good Marks In Board Exams ?

Here we have listed some very important steps which should be followed before exams and during exams to get the answer to the question how to score highest marks in exams?

Steps Before Exam:

There are the following necessary steps before exams to get the answer of how to score good marks in board exams?

  • Always start studying under well organized schedule.
  • Allocate proper time to each subject.
  • Make your habit to revise each chapter after its completion and consult difficult topics with your teacher.

Some students join academy at once after starting classes in school or college without any planning which is not a good way of getting good marks. 

One should join academy or tuition class only at the time when school or college teachers are not cooperative enough to help in studies.

The student should be attentive toward the conceptual idea of a topic which will be helpful in understanding the whole topic.

For getting good marks one should attend the class by heart. 

Because when once the lecture is delivered by the teacher, it can not be taken again in same way. So attention with regularity is a key point for proper learning.

One more step which will be a new strategy in this field that one should be able to have a good educational relationship with a student who is more intelligent so that he could discuss his lesson.

 Along with that, the similar relation should be made with one who is inferior by grade and should make him understand the lesson. So it’s a very effective way of sharing knowledge with others by helping them in their difficulties.

To get used to for paper pattern one should attempt past papers which is really very helpful.

It’s not only to know about the paper pattern but it is also a good guess paper for the student. 

At the time of date sheet, one should manage the timing of subjects. 

For example, if in date sheet there is only one day for tough paper then time can be managed before exams.

Social media activities should be stopped before 40 days of exams.

  • Proper sleeping before the exam night is very important.
  • Good health is no doubt is required for good mental work.
  • One should not sit in the exam with an empty stomach.
  • There is no need to discuss your paper or topics just before the exam.

Steps During Exam:

There are the following must have steps during exams to get the best result of your question how to score good marks in an exam in short time? 

  • There is no need to be involved in cheating. It never brings good results for you except that you will waste your time.
  • Attitude toward the duty staff must be positive.
  • Listen to the instructions very carefully.

Paper attempting techniques play an important role in getting good marks.

  • Attempting the questions with budget time is very important. And for this always keep your eye on watch.
  • Neat work and parallel writing are always appreciated by the checker.
  • Writing in paragraph format is another way of getting good marks.
Good marks can be achieved if one has the idea to write the answer under headings. Because this way of writing is very helpful for getting good marks.

  • Try to explain your question by drawing a neat labeled diagram if possible.
  • Do underline each important concept or make it different by writing it in the different style.

If one has done his paper several minutes ago then he should take its review.

After handing over the paper now there is no need to discuss it with others.

Final Words

In the end, I will just say that go through the above points and more importantly, take boards seriously. Most people say that boards are easy, I agree with that completely but you need to be focused and serious about it.

We are here for your help. If you are facing any kind of problem regarding your education comment below in the box and you will find us very helpful.

For further info keep in touch with contact us so that we can help you in possible ways.

Now, start your preparation.

Be positive.
All the best 🙂

Usman Mustafvi

He is an SEO lover, educationist, digital marketer, and founder of Al-Qalam Coaching Center & Pen Portal, which is a free online educational services platform. He has been writing on educational topics such as career counselling, study Abroad, exam preparation, and dozens more. His superpower? Helping students ace their exams!