Essay On Quaid e Azam

Essay On Quaid e Azam

This post is about an Essay On Quaid e Azam with Quotations for FSC 2nd-year students. It is a very important essay for Class 10, Class 12 and graduation students. They write it in their annual English Paper. A good essay can help them get good marks and improve their rank. You can also see the Essay on Allama Iqbal.
You can use this essay for different topics, such as an essay on Quaid e Azam, an Essay on Quaid e Azam 200 words, an essay on Quaid e Azam in English, an essay on Quaid e Azam 500 words,Essay On Founder Of Pakistan and Essay on Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Essay on Quaid e Azam-200 Words

Quaid-e-Azam is the greatest leader in our country’s history. He was hailed as a powerful leader who awoke Islam from its slumber by urging Muslims to live according to Islam’s principles, free of Hindu influence, during the foundation of Pakistan.

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His real name was Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and he was born into prosperity on December 25, 1876, near Karachi, where he spent most of his days at home reading law books. He gathered all Muslims on a single platform. He added a sense of brotherhood among the people and opposed Hindus and the British.

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His battle was peaceful, but his opponents tried to buy him with money rather than asking for peace or any other form of negotiation that would have ultimately resulted in compromise rather than bloodshed; he remained unyielding when confronted with these offers, which often included large sums from wealthy merchants as well as promises from higher officials appointed by Britain himself.

Jinnah was a man of great determination who, despite his failing health, worked long and hard for Pakistan, giving countless speeches demanding separation into an independent state where Islam could be practised freely without fear under appropriate legislation focused not only on Muslims but also on their Hindu counterparts according to equality before the law.

Essay on Quaid e Azam-450 Words

“Hero-worship exists, has existed, will forever exist, universally among mankind.” Carlyle

Hero-worship has always been the style of common people. Every nation has its own leaders and heroes. They are men of great insight (بصیرت), dedication (لگن), sincerity and determination. They are found in all fields of life. They may be great sportsmen, scientists, artists and political leaders. I have always liked leaders who have done wonders in reforming their nations. 

I believe that a leader must have a clear vision (تصوّر). He should be able to inspire trust and integrate (جوڑنا) the diverse (مختلف) views of the people.

Our most important national hero is the Quaid-e-Azam. The real name of the Quaid-e-Azam was MuhammadAliJinnah. He was born to a businessman in Karachi. From his early childhood, he showed signs of extraordinary intelligence, shrewdness (فراست) and sagacity (دانشمندی،ذکاوت). After doing his matriculation in the country, he was sent to England to study law. After returning home, he started his practice as a lawyer in Bombay. At the same time, he began to take interest in political affairs. In the beginning, the Quaid-e-Azam joined the Indian National Congress and worked for Hindu-Muslim unity. But soon he realized that the Hindus were hostile (مخالف،دشمن) to the Muslims. He awakened (بیدارکرنا) the Muslims from their slumber (نیند) and urged them to have a separate state where they may live according to their culture and traditions. 

The Quaid-e-Azam left the congress and joined the Muslim League. Under the inspired (اہلِ بصیرت) leadership of Jinnah, the Muslims launched a political struggle to liberate themselves from the political and economic bondage (غلامی) of the English and the Hindus. The great leader of the nation had to perform heavy duties. He worked while the others slept. It is truly said

The Heights by great men reached and kept

Were not attained by sudden flight

For they, while their companions slept

Were toiling upward in the night¬¬¬——Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Jinnah was gifted with an extraordinary power of oratory. He was a man not to be overawed (مرعوب ہونا), tempted or blackmailed by anyone. The English and the Hindus tried their best to purchase his loyalties but he remained as firm as a rock. He had been honest, dedicated and sincere in his mission to the marrow of his bones. 

It was his matchless (لاثانی) political insight and sincere dedication to his mission that he won Pakistan for us. Pakistan came into being on August 14, 1947. After the establishment of Pakistan, the Quaid-e-Azam was appointed its first Governor-General. He worked day and night to strengthen Pakistan. This shattered his health. It was on September 11, 1948, that he breathed his last and left the nation mourning and weeping. He was buried in Karachi. But in reality, he lives in the hearts of all of us.     

Essay on Quaid e Azam – 1000 Words

“I am the Quaid-i-Azam of Pakistan, and I will always be so.” – Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Muhammad Ali Jinnah, known as Quaid-e-Azam or “the father of the nation,” was a pivotal figure in the independence of Pakistan. Born in Karachi in 1876, Jinnah was a lawyer and a political leader who dedicated his life to the freedom of Muslims in British India.

“I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make it right.” – Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Jinnah’s early education took place in Bombay, where he lived with an aunt and may have attended the GokalDas Tej Primary School before going to the Cathedral and John Connon School. He later participated in the Sindh-Madrasa-Tul-Islam and the Christian Missionary Society High School.

After completing his higher education in England, he was admitted to the Lincoln’s Inn law school in London. During his stay in England, his mother passed away. However, he didn’t let this setback affect his education and within three years, he successfully completed his law degree.

Upon his return to India, he was invited by the advocate general of Bombay to join his bar and was offered 1500 rupees a month, which was a substantial sum at the time. However, Jinnah refused this offer and stated that he would earn 1500 per day through his impeccable efforts. This determination and confidence in his abilities were characteristic of Jinnah throughout his life.

“No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners.” – Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Jinnah started his political career as a member of the largest Indian political organization, the Indian National Congress, in 1906. He was a vocal supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity and worked towards bringing the Congress and the Muslim League together. However, as the years passed, he realized that under the British and Hindus, the Muslims of the subcontinent were losing their cultural and social freedoms. This realization led him to join the Muslim League in 1913.

“The story of Pakistan, its struggle and its achievement, is the very story of great human ideals, struggling to survive in the face of great odds and difficulties.” – Muhammad Ali Jinnah

From then on, Jinnah worked tirelessly to unite Muslim organizations and to create a state where Muslims could feel a sense of freedom. He was a vocal critic of the British government’s policies towards Muslims and was a strong advocate for Muslim rights. He believed that Muslims were not receiving fair representation in the government and that they needed a separate state to protect their rights and culture.

In 1930, Jinnah became the authoritative leader of all the Muslims in the subcontinent and led the Muslim League from 1933 to 1935. He was a charismatic leader and was able to rally Muslims from all over British India under the banner of the Muslim League. He also founded Dawn, a newspaper significant for delivering the League’s perspective, in 1941.

Jinnah’s leadership and determination were instrumental in the creation of Pakistan. He was the driving force behind the demand for a separate Muslim state and worked tirelessly to achieve this goal. He was a skilled orator and was able to rally the Muslim population to support the cause of Pakistan.

“We are passing through a period of great trial. The problem that confronts us is one of life and death for Pakistan. The future of Pakistan depends on the solution of this problem.” – Muhammad Ali Jinnah

The independence of Pakistan was not an easy task, and it came at a great cost. Many Muslims lost their lives in the struggle for freedom, and the country was born out of the bloodshed of thousands of freedom fighters. However, it was Jinnah’s leadership that kept the Muslim League united and focused on the goal of independence.

“With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.” – Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Jinnah was not just a leader of Muslims in British India, but he was also a leader of the entire subcontinent. He was a visionary who understood the importance of a separate Muslim state and worked tirelessly to achieve it. He was a man of his word and was always as firm as a rock in the face of enemies. He never faltered in his determination to achieve the goal of Pakistan.

“We have to work with a single-minded devotion and determination to make Pakistan a happy and prosperous country.” – Muhammad Ali Jinnah

In recognition of his contributions, Jinnah was given the title of “Quaid-e-Azam” (the father of the nation) by Maulana Mazharuddin. He was a leader who dedicated his life to the freedom of Muslims.

10 Frequently Asked Questions About Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Founder of Pakistan:

Here are some frequently asked questions about Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan:

Who was Muhammad Ali Jinnah?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah, often referred to as Quaid-e-Azam (the Great Leader), was a prominent political leader and the founding father of Pakistan.

What is Muhammad Ali Jinnah best known for?

He is best known for his leadership in the movement for an independent Muslim state, which led to the creation of Pakistan in 1947.

When and where was Jinnah born?

Jinnah was born on December 25, 1876, in Karachi, which was then a part of British India.

What was Jinnah’s profession before he became involved in politics?

Before entering politics, Jinnah was a successful lawyer known for his skill in law and advocacy.

What role did Jinnah play in the All-India Muslim League?

Jinnah became a prominent leader of the All-India Muslim League and eventually transformed it into a powerful political force advocating for Muslim rights in British India.

What was the Two-Nation Theory, and how did Jinnah promote it?

The Two-Nation Theory proposed that Hindus and Muslims were two separate nations, and Jinnah championed this idea, arguing for a separate Muslim state.

What significant event led to the creation of Pakistan under Jinnah’s leadership?

The partition of British India in 1947 resulted in the creation of two independent nations, India and Pakistan, with Jinnah becoming the first Governor-General of Pakistan.

What were Jinnah’s contributions to Pakistan’s constitution?

Jinnah envisioned a democratic and inclusive Pakistan. He advocated for a constitution that protected the rights of all citizens, irrespective of their religious or social backgrounds.

What were Jinnah’s views on religious and minority rights in Pakistan?

Jinnah emphasized the importance of safeguarding the rights of religious minorities, asserting that all citizens should have equal rights and opportunities in Pakistan.

What is Jinnah’s legacy in Pakistan and globally?

Jinnah is revered as the father of the nation in Pakistan. His legacy includes his efforts in establishing a separate homeland for Muslims and his advocacy for democracy, constitutionalism, and religious tolerance.
(1) Muhammad Ali Jinnah – Wikipedia.
(2)Historic Figures: Mohammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948) – BBC.
(3) Mohammed Ali Jinnah | Biography, Accomplishments, Religion …. 

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