Essay on Co-education

essay on co eduction


Essay on Co-education 200 Words


Coeducation means both male and female students getting an education at the same institution. Since we live in a modern culture where men and women are treated equally, this schooling method is gaining favour in many nations.

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Like other countries such as India, France, Hong Kong, and Mongolia, Pakistan also has adopted the co-education system. This approach, however, has both benefits and problems.

Students of both genders learn together from kindergarten to university level in co-education. Like any other system, education also has some pros and cons. Co-education supporters claim that separate institutions for boys and girls are impractical owing to the country’s underdevelopment and poverty, while opponents highlight a variety of concerns.

People who are in favor of co-education believe that it broadens their horizons by enabling children to engage with people of the opposite sex, resulting in them being more educated, responsible, and discreet.

On the other side, there are fears that co-education may result in unethical conduct among students and will be distracting and destructive to their academics.

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Although there is some resistance to co-education, it is crucial to remember that every system has advantages and disadvantages, and co-education may assist a country’s economy with correct laws. Even in nations where religious beliefs prohibit co-education, correct laws and regulations have been effectively implemented.

Essay On Co-Education 500 Words

“Education is not received, it is achieved.”    (Albert Einstein)

Co-education means learning of boys and girls in the same institution. Nowadays in most countries, boys and girls get an education together in schools, colleges and universities. Co-education has advantages as well as disadvantages. In Pakistan, we have co-education in primary schools, in colleges and in post-graduate classes. In high schools, it is not considered advisable to run combined classes.

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In our country, much may be said in favour of co-education. It is economical to practice co-education in Pakistan. It is also not possible to build and equip separate laboratories, medical colleges and industrial schools and boys. There is an increasing demand for the education of women. Lack of funds, scarcity of good teachers, and inadequacy of buildings are some of the hurdles that stand in the way of having separate institutions for girls and boys. Co-education is the only alternative to meet this demand.

It may also be argued that co-education helps to develop the character of students. Through a close association, their mutual shyness is removed, and they begin to understand each other better. The zest for the competition is stronger. In the presence of female students, the male students generally behave well and this self-imposed restriction makes them better human beings. Teachers, who have had experience of both types, opine that with the presence of girls, the standard of educational institutions is raised.

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As against these arguments in favour of co-education, it may be stated in tropical countries sex consciousness develops at an early age. It is, therefore, not advisable to offer opportunities for the boys to mix with the girls freely. In the adolescent age being romantic is not hesitant to break the rules of conventional morality. Besides, mixed schools are often difficult to manage. All sorts of arrangements are to be made to meet the requirements of students. The subjects which may be necessary for girls may not be so for boys. In institutions where co-education is prevalent, such things are taught to girls that never help them in their future life. Surely the field of work for women being is different from that of men. It is useless to have one and the same syllabus for both males and females.

The physical effect of co-education is also not healthy. Mixing grown-up boys with grown-up girls at colleges and at Universities causes a great distraction.

Co-education takes away the element of romance which is advantageous to married life. Familiarity, as it is commonly known breeds contempt. It eliminates the element of romance, which makes married life happy. Some teachers also argue that there are certain subjects which can be taught in the presence of both boys and girls with mental reservations only. And the teacher who feels embarrassed in the course of his lecture can hardly do justice to the subject. The argument of the economy is very strongly in favour of adopting co-education in Pakistan. But it should be practiced after affecting certain modifications. For instance, there is no objection to the introduction of co-education among children under ten years of age. It should then be abandoned up to degree classes.

No harm is, however, apprehended if co-education is introduced in the post-graduate classes. At this stage, boys and girls develop a sense of responsibility. This type of co-education if adopted will do more good than harm to our country. To sum up, co-education can be successful when there is a proper atmosphere for studies.

“Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.”    (Nelson Mandela)



Usman Mustafvi

He is an SEO lover, educationist, digital marketer, and founder of Al-Qalam Coaching Center & Pen Portal, which is a free online educational services platform. He has been writing on educational topics such as career counselling, study Abroad, exam preparation, and dozens more. His superpower? Helping students ace their exams!

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