Notes Of 11 Class Physics Numerical Problems (Punjab Boards)

Notes Of 11 Class Physics Numerical Problems

Are you looking for the notes of 11 class physics Numerical Problems for Punjab Board? And haven’t found the authentic site that halts your scrolling? Then look no more. Al-Qalam Coaching Center has combined the notes you need to go through in order to score your best in the Physics exam for HSSC part one.  Yes, you have come to the right place.

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Benefits of Numerical Notes Of 11 Class Physics:

  • Comprehensive and easy to understand
  • Cover all of the numerical problems of first-year physics.
  • Provide practice problems to help you test your understanding of the material
  • Written by experienced and qualified teachers.

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Numerical Problems Notes Of 11 Class Physics PDF

We have multiple choice questions, short questions, and chapter-wise Notes Of 11 Class Physics With Solved Exercises that can help you get good marks in the examination.

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Let’s get down to the chapters and what they promise to teach in the textbook for class 11th Physics.

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 Chapter # 1: Measurements  Numerical Problems

Numerical Problem 1.1 A light year is the distance light travels in one year. How many meters are there in one light year.

Numerical 1.2 Problem (a) How many seconds are there in 1 year?

(b) How many nanoseconds in 1 year?

(c) How many years in 1 second?

Numerical Problem 1.3 The length and width of a rectangular plate are measured to be 15.3 cm and 12.80 cm respectively. Find the area of the plate.

Numerical Problem 1.4 Add the following masses given in kg upto appropriate precision. 2.189, 0.089, 11.8 ans 5.32.

Numerical Problem 1.5 Find the value of g and its uncertainty using formula from the following measurements made during experiment length of simple pendulum l = 100 cm. Time for 20 vibrations = 40.2 s Length was measured by a meter scale of accuracy upto 1 mm and time by stop watch of accuracy upto 0.1s

Numerical Problem 1.6 What are the dimension and units of gravitational constant G in the formula. G= Gmm/r2.
Numerical Problem 1.7 Show that the expression Vf = Vi + at is dimensionally correct, where Vf is the velocity at time t.

Numerical Problem 1.8 The speed v of sound waves through a medium may be assumed to depend on (a) the density of the medium and (b) its modulus of elasticity E which is the ratio of stress to strain. Deduce by the method of dimensions, the formula for the speed of sound.

Numerical Problem 1.9 Show that the famous Einstein equation is dimensionally consistent.

Numerical Problem 1.10 Suppose, we are told that the acceleration that of a particle moving in a circle of radius r with uniform speed v is proportional to some power of r, say r power n and some power of v, say v power m, determine the powers of r and v?

Chapter 01: Measurement Numerical Problems
Size 700 KB | Pages 5 |Content:  Solved Numericals

Chapter # 2: Vector and Equilibrium Numerical Problems

This chapter is an interesting addition to the book that will improve your outlook on a presumably boring subject. Look for the following ideas here:

Numerical Problem 2.1: Suppose, in a rectangular coordinate system, a vector A has its tail at the point P(-2,-3) and its tip at Q(3,9). Determine the distance between these two points.

Numerical Problem 2.2: A certain corner of room is selected as the origin of a rectangular coordinate system. If an insect is sitting on an adjacent wall at a point having coordinate (2,1), where the units are in meters, what is the distance of insect from this corner of the room.

Numerical Problem 2.3: What is the unit vector in the direction of the vector A = 4i + 3j?

Numerical Problem 2.4: Two particles are located at r1 = 3i + 7j and r2 = -2i + 3j respectively. Find both the magnitude of the vector (r2,r1) and its orientation with respect to the x-axis.

Numerical Problem 2.5: If a vector B is added to vector A, the result is 6i + j. If B is subtracted from A the result is -4i + 7j. What is the magnitude of vector A?

Numerical Problem 2.6: Given that A = 2i + 3j and B = 3i – 4j, find the magnitude and distance of (a) A + B, and (b) D = 3A -2B.

Numerical Problem 2.7: Find the angle between the two vectors, A = 5i + j and B = 2i + 4j.

Chapter 02: Vectors
Size 900 KB | Pages 8 |Content: Solved Numericals,  

Chapter # 3: Motion and Force Numerical Problems

For this chapter, you might want to gather a few graph papers. Among its ideas are:

    Numerical Problem 3.1: A helicopter is ascending vertically at the rate of 19.6 m/s when it is at a height of 156.8 m above the ground, a stone is dropped. How long does the stone take to reach the ground?

    Numerical Problem 3.2: Using the following data, draw a velocity-time graph for a short journey on a straight road of a motorcycle.
    velocity  0   10   20   20   20   20    0
    time      0   30   60   90   120  150   180
    use the graph to calculate:
    (a) The initial acceleration
    (b) The final acceleration
    (c) The total distance traveled by the motorcyclist.

    Numerical Problem 3.3: A proton moving with the speed of 1 * 10(7)m/s passes through a 0.02cm thick sheet of paper and emerges with speed of 2 * 10(6) m/s. Assuming uniform deceleration, find retardation and time taken to pass through the paper.

    Numerical Problem 3.4: Two masses m1 and m2 are initially at rest with a spring compressed between them. What is the ratio of their velocities after spring has been released.

    Numerical Problem 3.5: An amoeba of mass 1 * 10(-12)kg propels itself through water by blowing a jet of water through a tiny orifice. The amoeba ejects water with a speed of 1 * 10(-4)m/s at a rate of 1 * 10(-12)kg/s. Assume that the water is continuously replenished so that the mass of the amoeba remains the same.

    (a) If there were no force on amoeba other then the reaction force caused by the emerging jet, what would be the acceleration of the amoeba?
    (b) If amoeba moves with constant velocity through water, what is force of surrounding water (exclusively of jet) on the amoeba?

    Numerical Problem 3.6: A boy places a fire cracker of negligible mass in an empty can of 40g mass. He plugs the end with a wooden block of mass 200g. After igniting the fire cracker, he throws the can straight up. It explodes at the top of its path. If the block shoots out with a speed of 2m/s, how fast will the can be going?

      Chapter 03: Motion And Force
      Size 800 KB  | Pages 9 |Content:  Solved Numericals,  

      Chapter # 4: Work and Energy Numerical Problems

      This chapter will explore ideas like:

      Numerical Problem 4.1: A man pushes a lawn mover with a 40N force directed at a angle of 20 degree downward from the horizontal. Find the work done by the man as he cuts a strip of grass 20m long.

      Numerical Problem 4.2: A rain drop m = 3.35 * 10(-5)kg falls vertically at a constant speed under the influence of the forces of gravity ad friction. In falling through 100m, how much work is done by:

      (a) Gravity:

      (b) Friction:

      Numerical Problem 4.3: Ten bricks each 6cm thick and mass 1.5kg, lie flat on a table. How much work is required to stack them one on the top of another.
      Numerical Problem 4.4: A car of mass 800kg traveling at 54km/h is brought to rest in 60 meters. Find the average retarding force on the car. What has happened to the original K.E?
      Numerical Problem 4.5: A 1000kg automobile at the top of an inclined plane 10m high and 100m long is released and rolls down the hill. What is its speed at the bottom of inclined if the average retarding force due to friction is 480N?

      Chapter 04: Work And Energy
      Size 600 KB  | Pages 5  |Content: Solved Numericals, 

      Chapter # 5: Circular Motion Numerical Problems

      How do satellites, balls, shuttles, planets, and every rotating object work? Well, dig into this chapter to find out. The provided notes discover:

      Numerical Problem 5.1: A tiny laser beam is directed from the Earth to the Moon. If the beam is to have a diameter of 2.50 m at the Moon, how small must divergence angle be for th beam? The distance of Moon from the Earth is 3.8 * 10(8) m.

      Numerical Problem 5.2: A gramophone record turntable accelerate from rest to an angular velocity of 45.0 rev per min in 1.60 s. What is its average angular acceleration?

      Numerical Problem 5.3: A body of moment of inertia I = 0.80 kg m(2) about a fixed axis, rotates with constant angular velocity of 100 rad/s. Calculate its angular momentum L and the torque to sustain this motion.
      Numerical Problem 5.4: Consider the rotating cylinder shown in book figure 5.26. Suppose that m= 5 kg, F = 0.60 N and r = 0.20 m. Calculate (a) the torque acting on the cylinder, (b) the angular acceleration of the cylinder. (Moment of inertia of cylinder = mr(2)/2

      Chapter 05: Circular Motion
      Size 500 kb | Pages 4 |Content: Solved Numericals 

      Chapter # 6: Fluid Dynamics Numerical Problems

      These Chapter 6 notes have the following :
      Numerical Problem 6.1: Certain globular protein particle has a density of 1246 Kg/m(3) it falls through pure water (viscosity = 8 * 10(-4) Ns/m(2)) with a terminal speed of 3cm/h. Find the radius of the particle.
      Numerical Problem 6.2: Water flows through a hose internal diameter is 1cm, at a speed of 1m/s what should be the diameter of the nozzle if the water is to emerge at 21 m/s.
      Numerical Problem 6.3: The pipe near the lower end of a large storage tank develops a small leak and a stream of water shoots from it. The top of water tank is 15m above the point of leak.

      (a) With what speed does the water rush from the hole?
      (b) If the hole has an area of 0.060 cm(2) how much water flows out in one second?

      Numerical Problem 6.4: Water is flowing smoothly through a closed pipe system. At one point the speed of water is 3m/s while at another point 3m higher, the speed is 4m/s. If the pressure is 80KPa at the lower point what is the pressure at the upper end?

      Chapter 06: Fluid Dynamics
      Size 500 KB | Pages 4 |Content: Solved Numericals 

      Chapter # 7: Oscillations Numerical Problems

      Oscillation and all its corollary ideas will be discussed in detail in this chapter. Key concepts include:

      Numerical Problem 7.1: A 100g body hung on a spring, which elongates the spring by 4cm. When a certain object is hung on the spring and set vibrating, its period is 0.568s. What is the mass of the object pulling the spring?
      Numerical Problem 7.2:  A load of 15g elongates a spring by 2cm. If body of mass 294g is attached to the spring and is set into vibration with an amplitude of 10cm, what will be its (i) period (ii) spring constant (iii) maximum speed of its vibration.
      Numerical Problem 7.3: An 8 kg body executes SHM with amplitude 30cm. The restoring force is 60 N when the displacement is 30 cm. Find.
      (i) Period.
      (ii) Acceleration, speed, kinetic energy and potential energy when the displacement is 12cm.

      Chapter 07: Oscillation  ( Notes Of 11 Class Physics)
      Size 700 KB | Pages 4 |Content: Solved Numericals 

      Chapter # 8: Waves Numerical Problems

      These Chapter 8 notes have the following:

      Numerical Problem 8.1: The wavelength of the signals from a radio transmitter is 1500m and the frequency is 200Khz. What is the wavelength for a transmitter operating at 1000Khz and with what speed the radio waves travel?

      Numerical Problem 8.2: Two speakers are arranged as shown in figure. The distance between them is 3m and they emit a constant tome of 344Hz. A microphone P is moved along a line parallel to and 4m from the line connecting the two speakers. It is found that tone of maximum loudness is heard and displayed on the CRO when microphone is on the center of the line and directly opposite each speakers. Calculate the speed of sound.

      Numerical Problem 8.3: A stationary wave is established in a string, which is 120cm long and fixed at both ends. The string vibrates in four segments, at a frequency of 120Hz. Determine its wavelength and the fundamental frequency.

      Numerical Problem 8.4: The frequency of the note emitted by a stretched string is 300Hz. What is the frequency of this note when: (a) Length of the wave is reduced by one third without changing tension, (b) The tension is increased by one-third without changing the length of the wire.

      Chapter 08: Waves ( Notes Of 11 Class Physics)
      Size 700 KB | Pages  6|Content: Solved  Numericals 

      Chapter # 9: Physical Optics Numerical Problems

      The Physical Optics chapter will discover ideas like:

      Numerical Problem 9.1: Light of wavelength 546nm is allowed to illuminate the slits of Young’s experiment. The separation between the slits is 0.10 mm and the distance of the screen form the slits where interference effects are observed is 20 cm. At what angle the first minimum will fall? What will be the linear distance on the screen between adjacent maxima?

      Numerical Problem 9.2: Calculate the wavelength of light illuminates two, slits 0.5mm apart and produces an interference pattern on a screen placed 200 cm away from the slits. The first bright fringe is observed at distance of 2.4 mm from the central bright image.
      Numerical Problem 9.3: In a double-slit experiment the second order maximum occurs at an angle of 0.25 degrees. The wavelength is 650 nm. Determine the slit separation.

      Numerical Problem 9.4: A monochromatic light of wavelength 588nm is allowed to fall on the half-silvered plate G1, in the Michelson interferometer. If mirror M1 is moved through 0.233mm, how many fringes will be observed to shift?

      Chapter 09: Physical Optics 
      Size 700 KB | Pages 5 |Content: Solved Numerical Problems

      Chapter # 10: Optical Instruments Numerical Problems

      The second last chapter will discover ideas like :
      Numerical Problem 10.1: A converging lens of focal length 5 cm is used as a magnifying glass. If the neat point of the observer is 25cm and the lens is held close to the eye. Calculate (i) the distance of the object from the lens. (ii) the angular magnification. What is the angular magnification when the final image is formed at infinity?
      Numerical Problem 10.2: A telescope objective has focal length 96cm and diameter 12cm. Calculate the focal length and minimum diameter of a simple eye piece lens for use with the telescope, if the linear magnification required is 24 times and all the light transmitted by the objective from a distant point on the telescope axis is to fall on the eye piece.

      Numerical Problem 10.3: A telescope is made up of an objective of focal length 20cm and an eye piece of 5cm, both are convex lenses. Find the angular magnification.

      Numerical Problem 10.4: A simple astronomical telescope in normal adjustment has an objective of focal length 100cm and an eye piece of focal length 5cm. (i) Where is the final image formed? (ii) Calculate the angular magnification.

      Numerical Problem 10.5: A point object is placed on the axis of 3.6cm from a thin convex lens of focal length 3cm. A second thin convex lens of focal length 16cm is placed coaxial with the first and 26cm from it on the side away from the object. Find the position of the final image produced by the two lenses.

      Chapter 10: Optical Instruments
      Size 700 KB | Pages 6 |Content:   Solved  Numericals, 

      Chapter # 11: Thermodynamics Numerical Problems

      Don’t leave this chapter for granted as it falls at the last place in the textbook. It’s equally important and engaging to read.

      Numerical Problem 11.1: Estimate the average speed of nitrogen molecules in air under standard conditions of pressure and temperature.

      Numerical Problem 11.2: Show that ratio of the root mean square speeds of molecules of two different gases at a certain temperature is equal to the square root of the inverse ratio of their masses.

      Numerical Problem 11.3: A sample of gas is compressed to one-half of its initial volume at a constant pressure of 1.25 * 10(5) Nm(-2). During the compressions, 100J of work is done on the gas. Determine the volume of the gas.

      Numerical Problem 11.4: A thermodynamic system undergoes a process in which its internal energy decreases by 300J. If at the same time 120J of work is done on the system, find work done on the system, find the heat lost by the system.

      Numerical Problem 11.5: A Carnot engine utilize an ideal gas. The source temperature is 227 degree Celsius and the sink is 127 degree Celsius. Find the efficiency of the engine. Also find the heat input from the source and the heat rejected to the sink when 10000J of work is done.

      Chapter 11: Heat And Thermodynamics
      Size 700 KB | Pages 5 |Content:  Exercise Solved Numericals

      Numerical Notes Of 11 Class Physics For Which Board?

      Numerical Problems Physics For Class 11 Notes are very helpful for students of the Punjab boards:

      • Sargodha Board
      • Gujranwala Board
      • Multan Board
      • Sahiwal Board
      • Lahore Board
      • Faisalabad Board
      • Rawalpindi Board

      The syllabus of the AJK Board and the Punjab Board is the same, so students of the Azad Kashmir may also benefit from the Notes of 11 class physics.

      If you are a student of any of the boards listed above, I encourage you to use the class 11th physics notes.

      If you are looking for a way to improve your Physics grades, I recommend using Numerical Problems PDF physics notes for class 11. They are a valuable resource that can help you succeed in your board exams.


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