Essay on My Favourite Book – The Holy Quran (200–500 Words)

Essay on my favourite book the holy quran (200- 500 words)

In this post, I’m excited to share a detailed essay on my favourite book – The Holy Quran tailored for school and college students. If you’re searching for well-written English essays on various topics, you’ve come to the right place. You can find English essays, PDF books, and subject notes for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11, and Class 12 by visiting the links below:

I’ve also shared an excellent essay on Holy Prophet PBUH for 2nd-year students. This new essay on my favourite book – The Holy Quran provides a thorough explanation of the topic. At Al-Qalm Coaching Center, you’ll discover a range of important English essays designed for Class 10, Class 12, and university students.

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Essay on My Favourite Book – The Holy Quran

This post is about an Essay on My favourite Book – The Holy Quran for students in Class 10, Class 12, and at the graduation level. It is a crucial essay for their annual English exams. A well-written essay on this topic can help students achieve better grades and enhance their academic standing. You can explore various aspects of the Holy Quran, including its teachings, significance, and impact on your life.

In addition, this essay provides an opportunity to discuss how the Holy Quran serves as a guide for personal and spiritual growth. By addressing topics like the wisdom and guidance it offers, the relevance of its teachings in daily life, and its role in shaping moral values, students can develop a deeper understanding of why it is their favorite book. You can also check out related topics such as the importance of the Holy Quran in Islam, its influence on culture and society, and the benefits of studying and reflecting upon its verses.

Essay on My Favourite Book – The Holy Quran: 200 Words

The Holy Quran is my favourite book. It is the sacred text of Islam, believed to be the word of Allah given to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Quran is more than just a religious book; it is a complete guide for living a good and meaningful life. It offers wisdom, guidance, and comfort to millions of Muslims around the world.

One reason I love the Quran is because of its deep teachings. It talks about kindness, justice, and the importance of learning. The Quran’s verses, called ayahs, cover many parts of life, including how to behave, what is right and wrong, and how to treat others. It encourages people to think about their actions and to always try to do what is right.

Another reason the Quran is special to me is its beautiful language. Even if you don’t understand Arabic, the original language of the Quran, the translations still show its poetic and powerful messages. Reading the Quran brings a sense of peace and a closer connection to God.

The Quran also includes stories of prophets and lessons from their lives, which help us understand how to live our lives today. It teaches us to be patient, and honest, and to trust in God’s plan.

In conclusion, the Holy Quran is my favourite book because it guides me in every aspect of my life. Its teachings inspire me to be a better person and to always seek knowledge and understanding. It is a source of comfort, wisdom, and peace for me and many others.

Essay on My Favourite Book – The Holy Quran: 500 Words

The Holy Quran is my favourite book, and it holds a special place in my heart. It is the sacred book of Islam, believed to be the direct word of God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) over 1,400 years ago. The Quran is not just a religious text; it is a guide for living a good and meaningful life. Its teachings are valuable and relevant, offering wisdom and comfort to Muslims around the world.

One reason I love the Quran is because of its clear and powerful messages. The Quran covers many important topics, such as how to live a moral life, how to treat others, and how to find peace and happiness. The verses, called ayahs, provide guidance on daily activities and interactions. For example, the Quran teaches us to be kind, honest, and just. It also emphasizes the importance of helping those in need and being fair to everyone, regardless of their background.

The language of the Quran is beautiful and poetic. Even though the Quran was originally revealed in Arabic, translations into other languages still capture its essence. The poetic nature of the Quran makes its verses memorable and impactful. Many people find that reading the Quran brings a sense of peace and calmness, as it provides comfort and encouragement in times of difficulty.

Another reason the Quran is special to me is the way it connects me to my faith. It includes stories of past prophets like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them all), and their struggles and triumphs. These stories teach us valuable lessons about patience, perseverance, and trust in God. By learning about these prophets and their experiences, I am reminded of the importance of maintaining faith and resilience in my own life.

The Quran also provides a sense of community and belonging. Many Muslims around the world read and memorize parts of the Quran, and this shared practice creates a bond among believers. It is common to gather for prayers and Quranic recitations, which strengthens our sense of unity and connection with one another.

Additionally, the Quran encourages us to seek knowledge and understanding. It challenges us to reflect on our actions and to strive for personal growth. The Quran’s teachings are not just about following rules; they are about understanding the deeper meaning behind them and applying that understanding to make positive changes in our lives.

The Quran is also a source of motivation. Its verses inspire me to work towards becoming a better person, to be more compassionate, and to strive for personal and spiritual growth. It reminds me to be grateful for what I have and to always aim to do good in the world.

In conclusion, the Holy Quran is my favourite book because it is a comprehensive guide that touches every aspect of life. Its teachings on kindness, justice, and faith help me navigate through challenges and make better decisions. The Quran’s beautiful language, inspiring stories, and wise guidance make it a treasured source of comfort and wisdom. Reading and reflecting on the Quran brings me peace and strengthens my connection to my faith, making it an essential part of my life.

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Hina Khalil

Hina Khalil is a writer with a passion for creativity and storytelling. She contributes essays to the Al-Qalam Coaching Center, drawing on her deep interest in history, politics and social issues. An avid reader, Hina brings a unique perspective to her work, blending her love for literature with a keen awareness of the world around her.

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